Sean was a colleague of mine at Syracuse University who created interactive, engaging, yet austere works through video, physical computing, and other media.
"I am very curious as to what makes men act the way they do. My own mannerisms and ideology seem to clash with particular identities of men both portrayed in the media and in society alike. Often I find myself critically analyzing the identity of males while at other times I feel myself conforming to a stereotype to simply fit in. I seem to be in a constant state of flux—on an endless journey searching for who I am—tormented by the oddity of the mediated persona. I attribute this contradictory existence with my lack of a father figure and the consequences of using of mass media as a surrogate parent.
In general, my work is a critical assessment of media’s omnipresence and the effects of its power to influence our society. In particular, it reflects the alienation of the male identity in regards to behavior learned from mediated reality. I draw inspiration from the way in which mass media is used for entertainment, information and social connectedness and the unconscious issues that arise with such dependence. These issues of persuasive media and the effects of mediated reality are the driving forces of my life and work—both of which concerned with the impalpable human identity evident in our stereotypically based culture." (© Sean Hovendick)
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