Tom Friedman

Pick up Sticks

This was one of Tom's first pieces

Tom Friedman is one of those artists, that if you are an artist, you love to hate. His use of simple materials in complex ways always has be asking "why didn't I think of that". He gets his art supplies from drugstores, candy stores, the human body, and the supermarket. Friedman relentlessly invents intricate objects out of a range of household materials, such as styrofoam, masking tape, pencils, toilet paper, spaghetti, toothpicks and bubble gum. His work is obsessively and painstakingly crafted and is both beautiful and playful. Friedman's ability to transform common objects into something new, his devotion to material perfection, the way he
conceptualizes the action of the artisan, enables him to elevate the ordinary to the status of art.

(© Images are the property of Tom Friedman, text from

1 Responses to “Tom Friedman”

  1. # Blogger ONLY

    Случаетсо поиск машинного пылесоса может неожиданно стать в очень не интересное и скучное дело. полки магазинов бытовой техники заполнены множеством видов Машинные пылесосы, которые очень сильноотличаются по цвету, формам, размеру, характеристикам и т.д.  

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